Monday, August 9, 2010

The Bubblegum Gang's 30 Day Challenge

I don't think I will do all of them. I will DEFINITELY not engage in uploading a sassy picture of me. Because that is for guys. It's kind of sad that I read guy's blogs. But its a change from the usual Le Blog De Betty or The Satorialist-reading afternoons. I think I'll do some when I'm not too busy stressing about school starting.

The Bubblegum Gang’s 30 Day Challenge

Day 1 - You’re in a no holds barred fight with 20 small children. Describe the tactics you would use to defeat them.

Day 2 - Who do you normally choose in Mario Kart? You cannot answer with Yoshi because we all know everyone always picks Yoshi.

Day 3 - Team Edward or Team Jacob? Why?

Day 4 - Create your own Bible verse!

Day 5 - Which Star Wars character would you engage in sexual activities with? Why?

Day 6 - Write a parody for the chorus of your favourite song. You get bonus points if it’s about reproductive organs.

Day 7 - You wake up to find the world overrun with zombies. What do you do?

Day 8 - Combine the most badass animals into one super creature. Describe and name it.

Day 9 - How do you think the world will end?

Day 10 - Which Mean Girls character do you feel is the most like you?

Day 11 - You wake up in the morning and you’re feeling like P. Diddy. What do you do?

Day 12 - Upload a photo of you being overly sassy.

Day 13 - Combine the best physical attributes of your favourite celebrities into one super creature. Describe and name it.

Day 14 - Go outside. Throw a rock at something. Describe what happened.

Day 15 - Tweet or change your Facebook status to ‘Man, Menopause is the worst.’ Post any replies you get.

Day 16 - What physical attribute do you find appealing about the opposite sex that you think most people don’t?

Day 17 - Name your genitals. Explain the reasoning behind your choice.

Day 18 - Which Pokemon do you feel you look the most like?

Day 19 - Upload a photo of you being overly slutty.

Day 20 - You’re able to rewrite the ending to one movie of your choosing. What movie would it be and what would you change?

Day 21 - Google crashes. What do you do?

Day 22 - When you are talking to someone today refer to them as ‘Troy’. When they ask you why you called them that deny it strongly and act as though they are crazy. Describe what happened.

Day 23 - What form does your patronus take when you cast it?

Day 24 - God introduces an eighth deadly sin. What is it?

Day 25 - Upload a photo of you with your favourite shoe balanced on your head.

Day 26 - You wake up to find yourself on the Lost island. What do you do?

Day 27 - Write a letter to your future boyfriend/girlfriend apologising for something in advance.

Day 28 - Write ‘I still know what you did last summer.’ on a piece of paper. Leave it for someone to find. Describe what you did and why you did it.

Day 29 - You get to spend 24 hours as an animal of your choosing. What would it be and why?

Day 30 - You’re given a DeLorean, a flux capacitor and some plutonium and can go wherever you like in time. What would you do? You cannot answer ”I’d go back and not participate in this stupid challenge.” as everyone would answer with that.

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