Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Eat Pray Love

So I've been reading this book lately called Eat Pray Love and its simply amazing. And its awesome how she tries to find what she wants in life through traveling. Since i love traveling i think its a great idea. Stopping in Italy to enjoy passion, India for the spiritual aspect of life and then Indonesia for loving. And the way she describes herself is exactly how i would describe myself and its quite freaky to know that there is someone out there who is about 20 years older than you but still thinks the exact same way as you. I guess its kinda surprising that i have the same morals and thoughts as a 34 year old but it makes me happy. Either I'm mentally mature or she's immature. But either way its reassuring that there is someone out there who still doesn't know what they want in life who is on a journey of self discovery. I want to do that some day.

And another thing i learned about this look is that its okay to feel alone sometimes in life. After all, you're your own best friend and you shouldn't depend on other people to make you happy. Happiness CAN come from other people, but you shouldn't depend your entire happiness on someone else. You should learn how to be alone sometimes, too.

Something i found amazing? All of the places she went to start with the letter I and she's on a journey of self-discovery. Ironic isn't it?

I'm off to playing rugby after school. Three projects due next week. That's kinda eating up my insides at the moment and really stressing me out. But i can't bring myself to start working on my English project. It just seems so terribly boring and time consuming.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I want to do this

So i saw this on tumblr just now and i thought it was so cool. Obviosuly its a bit exaggerated but still. I want to take a map of the world and put it on a wall in my room and put a pin on each place i have been and with a different color pin, mark the places i want to go to. I think i should take down my coarkboard and put up a huge map and do this. I guess i should start traveling more right?

Monday, April 26, 2010

Productive Weekend

I went bike riding today with my parents. Fun, but no really it was actually fun. No sarcasm.
I guess spending time with your parents really is fun.

I have so much homework due this week, its not even funny. I'm freaking out but i keep procrastinating. It somehow always gets done.

I was in Jay Chou's new music video and i filmed that yesterday. That was pretty cool. Hmm what else did i do this weekend? Friday and Saturday were fun. I had lots of sushi this weekend which made me super happy.

I've been super emotional lately. Everything makes me cry which is so UN-me. I dropped a glass yesterday and started crying. I guess im just OTR hahaa. Poor geoff has to deal with me when im like this.

Ohh and i talked to my brother yesterday about relationship stuff and im really surprised at how much he actually helped me. I learned that I need to stop being so sensitive about everything.

I have to play soccer tomorrow for like 3 and a half hours. I'm kinda excited for thaaaaat.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Who are some juniors so disrespectful. It makes me mad. Obviously you can't pick on anyone in your own grade because you'd simply get beat up because you're tiny. I'm younger than you and i didn't give you any reason to say those things to me. And at first i just tried not to care but after 2 hours of just dissing me non stop obviously i exploded at one point and thats why you got hurt and then started acting like a little girl. Don't treat freshmen as your slaves and definitely don't disrespect them for no reason. We are just as good as anyone else.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


When was the last time you did something for the first time?

I thought about this question for a while. And i had to think really hard. Eventually i did find something. But that something was on Saturday. I think everyday you should try something or do something new. You shouldn't have to think super hard when asked this question. Maybe its something really small like trying a new food for the first time but you should still try to do one thing that you have never done before at least once a day. This way, when you're old and wrinkly and grey you won't think wow, i should've tried that, or i never got the chance to do this because if you do one new thing everyday, chances are you will have done a lot of the things you would regret that you hadn't done in the future. And do it for yourself, don't do it for anyone else.

I noticed i used the word "something" a lot in this post (hence the title)... I guess i should go buy a thesaurus so then i could add that to my list of doing something for the first time.

Something I'd like to try for the first time in the near future is going to Greece. I've been thinking about it a lot lately. Perhaps next summer :)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Those times when...

You know those times when you look at a peice or art, or you hear an awesome song, or you see someone come up with a new way of doing things and you say, gosh i with i could think of cool things like that... Ok maybe no one else gets that feeling besides me. but lately, i've been getting these thoughts a lot. Especially the other day when i went to the IB art exhibition and i was just amazed at how many new ideas one person can create. And sometimes i can't help but saying to myself, wow you're useless. I haven't created something cool, or thought of a new idea... EVER. i just wish i was as creative as some other people are. Like that picture up there, i would've never thought of doing that. Or my art project, i would have never thought of that either. i had to get it from a website. (Oh and i'll scan it and post it when im done!) And doing this blog, i got from an idea from someone. Someone who is very very wise and smart must i say. But anyways, i just wish i could somehow create my own special ideas so i could be original. I guess that just comes as you start getting to know yourself, something i have't even started to do but something that i cannot wait to do.
Well... i guess the people who create their own ideas were once inspried. and lately i've been getting really inspired by some really cool people. So hopefully that means not getting that feeling of not being original anymore.

Other half?

so i believe that everyone has someone they belong with. not necessarily their other half but something close to that. they are destined to meet this person. and when they meet them they aren't entirely sure that this person is the person they belong with. so a series of events must occur in order for this person to realize that they belong with this person. and they might separate for a while but this only leads to the realization that that is the person that they are meant to be with for the rest of their life.

and thats what i think about soulmates.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

I wish

You would stop pushing me away,
that i was enough for you,
that this promise ring actually meant something to you,
that you trusted me,
that you didn't take your frustration out on me,
that you didn't yell at me,
that you had more patience for me,
that i made you as happy as you say i do,
that you would let me do something i want to do but you're scared to let me do.
that you didn't treat me as a five year old.

I know that in your eyes my age is everything.
But why can't you look past that?
My age is but a number
Throughout my life, I have showed you that i make good choices
so why keep me tied down?
i know its because youre scared,
you don't want me to get hurt
you're afraid i'll make a bad choice
but i'm sure you made mistakes
but thats how you learned, right?
don't be afraid to let me make my own mistakes.
everyone makes mistakes

gosh, that last part sounded like a hannah montana song didn't it?

You know what I find amazing?

That even after this long,
I still get that feeling sometimes
That feeling where you appreciate everything that you have with that person
Even the small things
That feeling where you get chest burns but not the tucky chest burns
The chest burns that make you smile even thought you're not doing anything
I wouldn't describe it as butterflies because thats too cliche
And sometimes butterflies can be bad
But this is definitely a feeling that can't be mistaken for something bad
But yes, I love that feeling
And i'm still glad i still get it after all of this time