Monday, April 19, 2010

Those times when...

You know those times when you look at a peice or art, or you hear an awesome song, or you see someone come up with a new way of doing things and you say, gosh i with i could think of cool things like that... Ok maybe no one else gets that feeling besides me. but lately, i've been getting these thoughts a lot. Especially the other day when i went to the IB art exhibition and i was just amazed at how many new ideas one person can create. And sometimes i can't help but saying to myself, wow you're useless. I haven't created something cool, or thought of a new idea... EVER. i just wish i was as creative as some other people are. Like that picture up there, i would've never thought of doing that. Or my art project, i would have never thought of that either. i had to get it from a website. (Oh and i'll scan it and post it when im done!) And doing this blog, i got from an idea from someone. Someone who is very very wise and smart must i say. But anyways, i just wish i could somehow create my own special ideas so i could be original. I guess that just comes as you start getting to know yourself, something i have't even started to do but something that i cannot wait to do.
Well... i guess the people who create their own ideas were once inspried. and lately i've been getting really inspired by some really cool people. So hopefully that means not getting that feeling of not being original anymore.


  1. start noticing. inspiration is around you, it is up for you to take it in. other people get inspiration front things and you could be inspired by them. nonetheless, it's inspiration. you will get to that point where you feel original and when you get to that point, it will be the best feeling ever and that is a promise. just be patient and start noticing things, your inspiration could be right in front of you just maybe you haven't be noticing it.

    there is my speech to you(:

  2. awww thanks jenny :)

    i sure hope it comes soon. theres nothing better than feeling original and different from everyone else rightt?
