Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Eat Pray Love

So I've been reading this book lately called Eat Pray Love and its simply amazing. And its awesome how she tries to find what she wants in life through traveling. Since i love traveling i think its a great idea. Stopping in Italy to enjoy passion, India for the spiritual aspect of life and then Indonesia for loving. And the way she describes herself is exactly how i would describe myself and its quite freaky to know that there is someone out there who is about 20 years older than you but still thinks the exact same way as you. I guess its kinda surprising that i have the same morals and thoughts as a 34 year old but it makes me happy. Either I'm mentally mature or she's immature. But either way its reassuring that there is someone out there who still doesn't know what they want in life who is on a journey of self discovery. I want to do that some day.

And another thing i learned about this look is that its okay to feel alone sometimes in life. After all, you're your own best friend and you shouldn't depend on other people to make you happy. Happiness CAN come from other people, but you shouldn't depend your entire happiness on someone else. You should learn how to be alone sometimes, too.

Something i found amazing? All of the places she went to start with the letter I and she's on a journey of self-discovery. Ironic isn't it?

I'm off to playing rugby after school. Three projects due next week. That's kinda eating up my insides at the moment and really stressing me out. But i can't bring myself to start working on my English project. It just seems so terribly boring and time consuming.

1 comment:

  1. i'm gonna read this! + i saw the movie trailer tooo.
