Wednesday, April 21, 2010


When was the last time you did something for the first time?

I thought about this question for a while. And i had to think really hard. Eventually i did find something. But that something was on Saturday. I think everyday you should try something or do something new. You shouldn't have to think super hard when asked this question. Maybe its something really small like trying a new food for the first time but you should still try to do one thing that you have never done before at least once a day. This way, when you're old and wrinkly and grey you won't think wow, i should've tried that, or i never got the chance to do this because if you do one new thing everyday, chances are you will have done a lot of the things you would regret that you hadn't done in the future. And do it for yourself, don't do it for anyone else.

I noticed i used the word "something" a lot in this post (hence the title)... I guess i should go buy a thesaurus so then i could add that to my list of doing something for the first time.

Something I'd like to try for the first time in the near future is going to Greece. I've been thinking about it a lot lately. Perhaps next summer :)

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