Sunday, June 13, 2010


Why do people feel the urge to complicate their lives with either thoughts or unnecessary actions? Some people make bad decisions when they know they are making bad decisions but they do it anyways and they know at the tim they are doing it that this will bring them unhappiness anyways. So why do people continue to do these things and later on complain about ho unhappy they are? So confusing... Other choose to complicate their lives through thoughts. Over thinking things leads to complicating your own life. Why ring up something form the past just to dissect it even though it doesn't affect your current life anyways? Oh boy...

Something I learned this week is that you may think you know someone so so so well but one action might be committed and this might change everything you have every positive thought you have had about that one person. Even if the action wasn't meant to impact you, your thoughts about this person may be changed negatively forever.

You know when one person does something to your friend but you still like them because they haven't done anything directly to you? I used to think thats the way it should be. I used to think you should not like a person until they did something to you. But I noticed that a person's actions say a lot about what kind of person they are. So I think its okay to not like a someone, even if its a friend of yours who did something bad, even if they haven't done anything directly to you. Hmmmmm. Some people might consider this judgmental but how is it judgmental if the action that person committed just proves that they're not a good person in general.


  1. i agree jackie
    and i think 'im on of those who over think and try to take control in every step i make
    inspiring thought.. i might write about itb
    i really miss ya talk to you soon!
    there's so much i want to tell you...

  2. I agree somewhat, depending on the degree of the action. People are constantly growing, shifting views, changing. Depending on the severeness of their actions they should not be judged for a one-time thing. Time has a lot to do with realationships and other factors could have led to this action. Sounds like i'm one of those over thinkers ;]
