Friday, June 18, 2010

This Is Not Home

How come every time I come to the states I don't feel at home even though I've lived there for most of my life? For some reason I feel like I am from Taiwan rather than from Venezuela or Arizona. Obviously when someone asks me where I'm from say Venezuela but I don't feel like I'm from there. Yeah, I love the food, I love seeing my family, going to the beach and stuff but I just feel so out of place. That feeling is even stronger when I come to the states. Whenever I see girls my age here I just feel so different from them, I don't know why. It's kinda sad that I don't "fit in" or whatever, but I honestly don't mind that. It just doesn't feel right being here hmm.

I need a new camera. I love taking pictures and documenting my travels. I should save up because there are so many moments I'd love to remember and take pictures of. Examples? The moonlight reflecting on Santa Monica beach at night, the interesting people that walk in the Santa Monica boulevard mall, the amazing Arizona sunset when we landed (wow, I forgot what those were like), THE STARS here in Arizona. Wow I think I could entertain myself for hours just by sitting somewhere and looking up at night. They are so beautiful. Well I guess you can't take pictures of stars, but you get my point.

Sometimes I feel living in the States would be so much more interesting and eventful than Taiwan but then other times I think to myself how home-y Taiwan feels and how easy it is to get around and how safe it is. I think I should enjoy every second of Taiwan before I go to college because I won't have Taiwan forever and I'll probably live in the states for a really really long time.

I just remembered how easy it is to put on the pounds here. Its depressing with all the yummy food there is here. Chipotle!

Tomorrow is my brother's wedding. How exciting :)


  1. hahah jackie your so right, american food is terrrrrrrible for you. but how do you not fit in? your GORGEOUS. anyways, hope your brothers wedding goes well! miss you girrll :)

  2. hey you have n oidea how much i agree with. i'm in the states right now, and i really don think i fit in, the life style and eveyrthing about the states is so different. but i still love here, and i am excited to be cming here for college!
    (: i miss you lotssss and i hope you have fun in your brosef's wedding <3

  3. i've lived here for almost two years and i still feel that taipei is my home
