Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Living Your Life To The Fullest

I haven't posted in SO long. It was so hard for me to get internet this summer :(

So what I think is that most people in their life get a period of time, some longer than others, in which they live their life to the fullest. They live without regrets, without worrying about what will happen if they take risks and stuff like that. I haven't lived like that yet and its because I'm not ready. I'm not ready to just take risks and be spontaneous. I know lots of people right now who are living their moment and I'm so happy for them. I'm not worried that I'm not living as a "free sprit" (sorry Nicole, I know you hate that phrase), because everyone gets their own time and I know I will get it sooner or later. I think honestly my parents are having it right now. My brother is having it right now. I see them both so happy. It doesn't mean that if you're not living like that you're not happy, it just means that you're carefree when you're living like that and you're just extra happy with life in general. But obviously you can still be happy without living like that.

I saw Remember Me on the plane. Its such a good movie. So sad, but it made me think about lots of things. Bottom line, enjoy your life. Its short.

I'm off to go running at school.
I know this post made no sense what so ever.
I've got lots of things on my mind, I will post later. I need to vent.



  1. Remember Me made you think of all that?
    Wow. I loved that movie lotssss
    I'm not ready or just not quite there yet to live the spontaneous and adventurous way I want too, but I think it'll happen when i can live on my own and create my own lifestyle.
    I'm glad your blogging again <3

  2. i'm glad you're blogging again too jackie
    i missed you!

    i've been thinking a lot about living spontaneously and living at the moment.. but then i realized for me, at least, it's more like living with the right choices though it may not be the best choice that seems to be there at the moment... talk to you soon hon
