Saturday, July 31, 2010

Tears of Joy

I used to think tears of joy were only for grandmas, for after you score a goal, for life's happiest moment, etc. Today I realized that lately, tears of joy have been present in my days for about a week. I don't know if I'm just really happy with life in general right now, or because the people around me what been making things really special for me, or that people have been writing really sweet things on inboxes (HAITHEREMAXINE), or seeing people who I haven't seen in eons, or witnessing a beautiful sunset, or reading a letter someone wrote me. All of these things have just made the end of my summer so great. And as much as I'd like to keep that tear lingering in my eye rather than it rolling out, sometimes its okay to let it out even though its cheesy and awkward at times. I guess those tears of joy have just been indicators that I will remember that moment forever because it was so special. I guess I'll have to make some space in my memory to store all of those wonderful moments I've had in the past few days. And I'd like to thank all the people who have caused those tears of joy. You guys are the ones who really mean a lot to me.

Maxine, thank for not judging me, for being there for me, and for being so understanding. Your friendship means so much to me.

To Jasmine, take care of yourself bud. I know it was hard for you to leave but I know it will be easier for you to arrive there and fit in perfectly with your new crowd. Sorry they won't be as fun and as weird as us but I know you will still have great moments with them. I'm so happy that you're finally living out your dream. Have a great time in New York, eat and shop lots in my name. Please don't forget to keep in touch, and jot down TAIWAN somewhere near the top of your to do list. I wish you all the best now and for all of your years at boarding school. Don't forget that you will always be received here in Taiwan with a very big warm welcome from all of your good friends. I will not say goodbye for the world is round and you will return. Oh hai, I think I am turning in to Shan Shan. But seriously, my utmost best wishes for you as you embark on your journey. As I am not in sixth grade anymore and I no longer own a xanga account, I will not address every single fun moment we had. I would just like to say that I am so grateful to have had you in the most important years of my childhood, and for all of the moments, good and bad, that we shared. See you soon buddy.

1 comment:

  1. awww, i just read this jackie,
    and its so sweet ! :)
