Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Cordially Invited

1. What makes a memory memorable?
Is it the people who you spend that moment with, or something you're doing that you have never done before because usually your firsts are really special and you tend to remember them for a lifetime. Maybe its a song that was playing at that moment or even a smell. I know that's bizarre but you know sometimes you smell something and it reminds you of a certain point in your life? Or a song, most songs instantly take you back to a certain moment or remind you of a special person in your life. I have yet to think about this question but I think its something that will definitely take a long time to get an answer to.

2. Yes I deactivated my facebook. Why? Because I felt like it. This is an example of something that one of my friends mentioned to me today. Everything I do or say is question my my parents or other important people in my life. Sometimes I wish I could just do things without having to worry about a certain group of people or an individual dissuading me or bashing me for doing it. Everyone is free to a certain extent so I'd like to take advantage of that and not have people always control what I do. Sure, give me your opinion on what I do. But don't tell me what to do. I know I sound really rebellious but someone mentioned it today and its so true. If I do something someone is sure to be negatively affected and I don't want that. I never persuade other people not to do something. I just tell them my opinion. I'm talking about the littlest of things here and the big things. I just don't think I need justify every decision or action I make. So yeah, I guess I want to take control of my life a bit more.

3. Exams. Oh gosh words just can't express how amazingly excited I am for these... Plus, I found out today that we are going to have an art exam next year. UMM HI! Why do you think so many students take art till senior year even though they are only required to take one year of it? Because they like it and its the only class they can go to and relax while being productive at the same time. I don't need you to give me an exam to prove that I am learning something. Art is something you can't teach, art is something you find within you. I don't think it should be forced. Have you noticed once something is forced on you its not fun anymore? Honestly, I think school would be so much fun if it wasn't forced, and if tests weren't forced. I strongly disagree with having an art exam next year. It frustrates me.

4. Speaking of frustration... I need to stop getting so frustrated about things. Nothing good comes from ongoing frustration. Be frustrated for a while, but get on with it. Don't let it affect others around you unless it has to and don't let it affect the things you love. In my case, soccer. I get so frustrated sometimes. But someone really special in my life taught me a valuable lesson yesterday and I don't think they know how thankful I am. It really did help. I know that getting frustrated just brings your whole team down and it brings your game down. Just get on with it and just channel your frustration into determination to do better next time. I know I said frustration a lot but there really is no other word to describe that feeling.

5. Something that I really want to do before my beloved cronies leave for boarding school,(which by the way I have accepted after a weekend of sadness which eventually lead to realization that it won't be that bad and I just need to make the best of it) is a sleepover. I haven't had a sleepover in AGES. So Jasmine, and Nicole, one of the reasons why I wrote this blog post is to cordially invite you to pick a date in which we can have an amazing slumber. Haaaa. You pick the date. We can watch the sun rise like we have been wanting to for a while, pig out on our favorite munchies (jasmine: ice cream, nicole: twix, me: marshmallows), and do pretty much whatever we want. So yep, I'm quite excited.

Wow, sixth grade seemed like a long time ago... I have cool friends don't I?

I'm off to take a nap. I will probably end up blogging later because I have lots of things on my mind.

1 comment:

  1. Jackiee!! I never knew you had a blog, but it's nice to know that I'm not alone in the blogging world:P hahahha I definitley agree with you about deactivating facebook.. I've done that a few times in the past and ppl kept asking "why?!" or "that's stupid" It's great to be able to do something because you feel like it and want to, not because others are telling you to. --Meg :]
