Saturday, May 29, 2010

Forgive and Forget

I've noticed that forgiving is kind of easy. As time goes in it can either go two ways. The first one is that that as time passes, more opportunities for getting hurt arise and so you forgive more often and then it becomes easier. The other path it could take is that you get hurt so much that you don't want to forgive. I think you should forgive. After all, forgiving is an attribute of the strong. But what I have been finding so hard is forgetting. How hard is it to forget the time when your friend hurt you? Or the time your mom yelled at you? Or the time that girl you don't know glared at you. Its so hard to forget those moments, but honestly forgetting is something that is part of forgiveness and without forgetting the act of forgiving isn't complete.

Lately I've been quick to forgive but I haven't been able to forget. It just stays in my mind gnawing at every inch of my mind until it tears me apart. For some things, especially the ones that hurt you a lot, I just don't know how to forget.

I should forget though. If you don't forget, chances are you'll bring it up in an argument or the next time that person hurts you.

Something else I should learn to do is to not let it hurt me in the first place. I was thinking and I've become a person that I over analyze everything people say to me and I usually end up taking things the wrong way. I should really learn to let things go and not let things get to me so much and look at the big picture. My main goal in life is to be happy and I should ask myself: Will dwelling on this help me in any way? If the answer is no, then the best thing to do is probably forget it.

I sold my stuff at a flea market today and made money for summer shopping. Then went home to study. I spent time with my dad, something I should do more often. Hmm


  1. jackie, i personally feel like
    you don't have to forget when someone hurts you
    you learn from that experience, i guess.
    you understand that not everyone is perfect and every makes mistakes. Of course, knowing how much it hurts, you'll probably never do it to someone yourself

    this is really inspiring got me thinking

  2. hey this reminded me very much of a quote that i read off the internet, and really impacted me.
    'People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.'i guess forgetting is possible over a long long period of time you would forget what they did specifically what they did, but you can never forget how they made you feel, and this part is what makes forgiving really hard. It takes immense courage and unselfishness to forgive!!

    I agree with what maxine says forgetting might not be the best or easiest way, but learn to embrace it, and live with it because along the way there will be so many people that will hurt you, you just have to make sure that you dont hurt the people around you that your care about. Be happy!!! and hope you feel better

    and kewlz on selling your stuff in flea market (: i sold a lot of stuff at flea market too, to pay off my cellphone HAHAHA

  3. Nothing just when I argue with people I always forgive but its really hard for me to forget but I guess I shouldn't be the type of person who analyzes every single little thing and I should just not care that much about small things.

    I'm trying. Its kinda working.
