Thursday, May 27, 2010

Mental Vomit

So many things on my mind, hence the title.

My day started at 5:30 am today. Fun. Painful morning, yes it was. I thought the day would get better once I went to school. But guess what. Things really didn't get better. In fact, they got worse. Moodiness and pain were just radiating off of me and everyone could tell. I think next week after exams everything will be fine. I'm so stressed right now its kind of painful to think about.

I apologize too much. Its something that I noticed. There's not much to say about it, I don't know if its a bad thing or not. Maybe it means i make too many mistakes or maybe it just means I'm afraid of people getting mad at me. I think its a bit of both.

Today was also my last art class and I finished my project yay. I can't tell if it looks good or not. I think I'll post a picture of some of the things I did soooon.

So lately I've been talking to people that are my friends, some even my very close friends but I've noticed that I'm so lucky to be surrounded by such nice people in my life. I think middle school was just horrible because you're still trying to figure out what kind of people you want to be with and some people are still really fake. But I think ninth grade marked a point in everyone's life where they just started to be who they really are. For some it started at the beginning of this year, and for some at the way end. I can really tell who are the people who I want to share the remaining high school memories with. Unfortunately some of those people have to leave but I'm okay with that now.

I'm so proud of some people like Rene and Maxine for opening themselves up to me and the blogging world. I know its hard at first and you're afraid of being judged but I promise in no time your blog will be only for yourself and you'll get to a point where you think to yourself, "If people judge me, then they're not worth being with. I know my friends won't judge me and my friends are really all that matter so why be worried?" Rene, especially you, when I read your first blog post I was so surprised to see that your true self is shining through. Who knew it took something like a blog to start becoming who you really are?

So Maxine shared this quote with me yesterday:
True friendship is sitting together in silence and feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had
And that's really what my friendship with her feels like. And Maxine, this is to you: Sometimes things have to get better to get worse.This is a time of pain for a lot of people especially because lots of things are coming to an end. Relationships, lives, school, but i think all of these things are capable of starting new beginnings and you just have to look at them in a positive way to get the best out of these occurrences.

And to you, thanks for always brightening up my day. You always make me feel better and sometimes I even forget I'm sick. You're the best.


  1. lots of love,
    thank you jackie
    everything's going to be okay although i pretty much want to hurl my life around

    hard to start studying but we both should

  2. jackie, your posts always touch me in so many ways. thank you for being so supportive and i'm so happy to have you as a friend. i am always so jealous of how you're never scared to be yourself and express how you feel (: because i'm just starting to learn to do that. i know you're going through a hard time because two of your best friends are leaving, but if you ever need someone to tlk to or just be there (: you can always ask me!! heheh love you lotss!
