Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The People...

Who make high school so incredibly worth it. The people who I spend most of my time with. The people who make me happy. There are way more. But those will come later.

These are all taken with the camera Nicole and Jasmine gave me for my birthday. I got the photos developed and spent quite a long time scanning them. I actually had fun doing it. Its so exciting :)

I will sure miss A day lunches with you. And probably everything else.

Okay you guys look gorgeous in this picture. Maxineee! I love our long talks. Thats all that has to be said. Well there's a lot of other things. But you know why you're a big part of my life and I have told you endless times in all of the birthday cards I have written you.

Rene I love how you make everyone laugh just be being yourself. Thats something I've never told you but I really like that you're 100% yourself.
Oh dear... What can I say about these two? Both of them will go to some far far away land and leave me here. Not necessarily by myself but at the moment it really feels that way. I am super duper happy for them because they are following their dream and they are achieving their goals. But its really really hard to have your best friends leave. I know I can't suffer forever but for right now I just have to. I'm not going to pretend like it doesn't affect me or that it doesn't chew up my mind sometimes or that i don't cough up tears because I really do. Sometimes you just have to let yourself be sad for a period of time while you learn to accept things. This is going to be one hard fact of life to process. I know that they will always be there for me no matter how many miles away they are. I want them to know that I will be one skype call away. I will miss you both so much. Sorry for my bad moods lately. I guess knowing I have such little time to be with you guys really tears me apart. Love you both to the moon and back ♥

Why hello there Justin. All I wanted to say it congrats on making class president. I know you will do an awesome job :)
So if you wanted to give me anything as something to remember you... It would probably be your shirt. Thanks.

Adrian. What can I say buddy? Apart fro being my art, english, mandarin, and math buddy you're also my listener. The person I spill everything on to. I'm sorry sometimes I just don't shut up but it really helps to have someone just listen and once in a while give you advice. Thank you.

Peyton. I think you're probably one of the most hilarious people I have ever met. You make me laugh. I know that's not very hard, but hey, if you can make Mr. Nelson laugh you're probably doing something right haaaa.
I will miss your clothes. I like them a lot.

Life gives us brief moments with another…but sometimes in those brief moment we get memories that last a life time…


  1. i love your blog soo so much~ and i lovee youuu<3


  2. aww thanks Rene.

    You should read it and comment.
    I try to post every day.

