Thursday, May 13, 2010


So I'm not going to write about my saddening day because that will just bring my mood down even more than it already is. I should really cheer up soon but its hard. I'm trying though.

Something that I read about during lunch today in Eat Pray Love ( Or as Nicole says it, Eay Pray Queef... don't ask) is that there is this meditation called Vipassana. I know that sounds really weird but its actually really interesting. Basically, its just sitting. You aren't allowed to move no matter how severe your discomfort. If you feel uncomfortable you are supposed to meditate on that uncomfortableness. In life you will encounter situations where you feel you can't go on anymore. We as humans tend to immediately avoid these situations in order to escape the reality. This meditation teaches that grief, suffering, nuisance are inevitable in life and if you can sit through them all for long enough, you will, in time, that everything eventually does pass. Some situations in life seem as if they are unbearable and I don't think you should just shift yourself to avoid these things. By facing these nuisances you become stronger and if you don't allow yourself to break you WILL become stronger. I know that's quite deep and that might not make sense but to me it makes perfect sense and I know that maybe I don't have to necessarily meditate to do this because the meditation is one aspect of practicing persistence but what I can do is face these situations with a positive attitude and that each of these things are inevitable therefore I should use them to my benefit.

Another thing I'd like to mention is that people who really mean everything they say and who are honest people don't get enough credit and are usually bashed. This is super unfair because they're actually trying to help. Plus, it takes lots of courage to honestly state your opinion without being scared. These people are the people who if you ask for their opinion they're not afraid about your reaction they just want you to know how they feel about it. They just want to be honest. They aren't afraid to say exactly what they think. I really truly admire the people who are like this. I have a friend like this and if I ever have a doubt about something I'll ask her and I can confide in her that she will give me a truthful and meaningful answer. I think people like this are at a disadvantage because they think everyone else are like them and also mean what they say. So if they ask someone for their opinion they are expecting an honest response. This kind of sucks. So I think everyone should start being honest with themselves and the people around them. Say what you mean, and don't be afraid to. Wow I am not making any sense today am I?

Ohh and I was thinking and i realized that Thursdays and Sundays are not good at all. They're my worst days. There's no real reason but some how they always manage to just bite me in the butt no matter how hard I try to make them good.

Enough of that! On to a happier note...
I absolutely love this blog. She is so creative. I think I might steal some of her ideas because they are simply amazing.

I'm off to a happy place... I think.


  1. I agree for the most part, but wouldn't allowing yourself to not break make you hard inside if you get too caught up with getting used to discomfort? But the Visspana meditation thing would be a great thing to use with just people in general that try to bring you down. I'm just starting to learn not to be so much of a people pleaser, and like- really saying what i mean, or trying to- it's kinda hard to translate it into something people would understand haha.

    I know how hard it is to lose friends that mean a lot to you when they move, and I'm glad that you're dealing with it. Things will get better, but i'm sure you already know all that ;)

  2. Yeah, all of this is hard and quite bizarre once you get thinking about it. Its really amazing to think about though. Like trying to be a better person one step at a time :)

    Aww thanks Lesee, I'm sure you know a lot about friends moving :/

    Thanks :) I love your blog btw.
